This application was created to solve two specific problems in the paint industry. The first probelm it aims to solve is remembering paint information for homeowners. Some homeowners have a problem saving paint information, so when they need to re-buy paint in the future, it can be a problem. This was designed as a place for people to record that information for future reference. The second problem this application solves is finding the right color. The application takes all of the paint colors logged and anonymously adds them to a list of colors, highlighting the most recently used colors and the most popular colors overall. This helps guide users making a color selection, since they can see what is trending.

This application was submitted as part of the capstone project to obtain my Bachelors degree in Software Development. I was responsible for finding a problem to solve, wire framing, prototyping, testing, developing, and creating maintainence documents for future developers.

Before development could begin, there was signficant planning involved. A design document was produced to collect major information related to the development of the application. Included in this document is a general overview of the application, user stories, functional requirements, class diagrams, UI wireframes, and measurable milestones.
Click here to view the Design Document for this project
Click here to view the code for this project on GitHub